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Arcade Racing Game select out of many different cars and Race! or just drift if you are in the mood for that.Drive with WASD or arrows and drift with space. Press R to reset on track.

Art by kenney , Elena Daief.

Music by Alexander Nakanda,Admiral Bob,Unreal_dm

Programming by Mohamed Yassin

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Slippy controls and too fast. I keep crashing into walls and can barely stay on the track

I think this game is alright. The only criticisms I'll say is that the hitboxes aren't sometimes clear and the direction you face when you spawn back into a checkpoint. I think that the direction you face whenever you spawn into a checkpoint shouldn't be where the player is facing. It should be more about where the track is facing. You'll also occasionally hit some invisible area where you would think would be some empty air. It is a minor complaint though, so just take it with a grain of salt though since I was still able to win races.
Other than that, pretty cool graphics and fun controls once you get used to it.

MohamedYassin responds:

Thank you so much for the feed back ! i did not want to add the direction of car to give more challenge as the game is it too fast could add it in the future and adjust the colliders

Impressive! Love the cartoony look and how fun it is to zip around. Would be nice to have a different speeds option though (like the CC choices in Mario Kart) as I spent the first race crashing into everything and getting repeatedly lapped! Second course was a bit easier though with less sharp turns. Cool game :)

MohamedYassin responds:

Thank you so much! will look into possible expansion of speed options

Credits & Info

3.08 / 5.00

Dec 12, 2021
11:50 AM EST
Misc. Kit
  • Kenney