Wow, i could finish this myself
an eye lands on some ground without an explination as to why cause a reason why an eye is landing randomly nowhere is just crap. so here is what happens.. Nothing cause you didnt have anything else to add
The Evil Eye: Part One
if you want me to finish it, please vote 3 or higher!
Wow, i could finish this myself
an eye lands on some ground without an explination as to why cause a reason why an eye is landing randomly nowhere is just crap. so here is what happens.. Nothing cause you didnt have anything else to add
uh huh you had an eye and a zoom by of the jetsons? do you actually thinik that ppl want to see were this is leading? personally i dont...
Yo, yo, yo! U gatz mad friiizzzesh sk!llzzz!
Dude....I really don't care what happens next.
You gave me nothing to base this on. It took 10 seconds, and then boom it was over, and I would rather fart out of my eyeball than find out what happens next.
Can the plugs...
I will not vote on this movie on principle alone. I don't want to be "forced" to vote on a movie just to see what happens next. People don't (or they shouldn't) vote on movies to give someone shameless publicity! Graphics were good, make the rest of the movie and submit it, already!