I actually like this one. Nice way to make it with the fading out. The graphics are not the best in areas but, what are 16-bit games for?
Yes i know its short for the size of it...thats because its not done and the song runs long so yeah ...sorry bout the size
I actually like this one. Nice way to make it with the fading out. The graphics are not the best in areas but, what are 16-bit games for?
ill just say thanks..."thanks..."
no story no coul song...... :S
Are you only such a zelda-fanboy to make a flash movie with showing the head characters and stuff. I hoped (because of the name of this movie) there would be a little story or something but this actually wasn't what I hoped it to be sorry.
nice music
ive seen all your other movies and u should make longer ones
NOT WORTH MISSING MY BEAUTIFUL SCREANSAVER OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... u must really be a zelda fan!!! any way i liked the music