12 points in less than 12 tries!! I would say I did pretty decently hehe
IF YOU READ THIS, THIS GAME HASN'T BEEN UPDATED IN 2+ YEARS, I WILL EVENTUALLY FINISH THE 1.6 UPDATE AND REUPLOAD THE GAME, and all of these reviews are very outdated because there's been 5 updates since then and a 6th HUUUGE one coming probably this year
Fly Trough Space While Eating Food And Dodging Enemies, Pick Up Power-ups To Use Special Abilities, Customize Your Character And Enemies, Obtain Skins By Completing Quests And Buying Skins With Currency, Try To Beat Your Highscore!
NEW UPDATE (Version 1.5) https://twitter.com/SteriaProd/status/1521247477470580737
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUkAJ93vV2w
Itch: https://steria-productions.itch.io/fruity-fly
Twitter: @SteriaProd
12 points in less than 12 tries!! I would say I did pretty decently hehe
nice! i'm working on an update after 2 years because i can't leave the game in this state, any problems you encountered or any suggestions?
I love this game! It is kind of like Flappy Bird. I already loved that game, and i must say that i'll love this one too! Just the design is kind of bland and boring, but i think that the game is well made and this concept of a "fly" eating fruits is kind of cool. I would love to see this game in the near future.
starts really abruptly and the controls are not shown anywhere
it's ok once you figure it out but damn
The problem you were facing has been fixed in the new update, thank you for your feedback! :)
buen juego el tema es que el aspecto de los personajes es bastante feo mejoralo y le doy sus 4 stars merecidas
sí, todavía tengo mucho trabajo por hacer para el juego, la próxima actualización solucionará muchos errores y el diseño de personajes
Pretty nice! Reminds me of flappy bird, which explains the difficulty.