I think i have the world record. 35 seconds.
Normal cats don't go to space. But you are no normal cat.
This is the last mission before you are ready to become a kattonaut for KATTSA.
Are you ready for the challenge?
Keyboard: Arrow keys, Z and X, P for pause
Controller: D-pad / Joystick, A and B, Start for pause
Sebastian Lind
Follow me on Twitter
Made for Ludum Dare 49, Theme: Unstable
I think i have the world record. 35 seconds.
That is crazy fast! Good job!
Good game i piss my pants by how mad i got
Is this a swedish game ?
Yes I got inspired by Pettson och Findus!
Oh man, I really wanted to like this one as I think it has a really cool concept, charming presentation, and fun, challenging physics gameplay, but I bounced off of it as hard as the game makes you bounce off of walls.
There are just so many frustrating issues with the game that put me off it. For one, I feel like the game moves wayyy too fast in general which makes it feel way too sensitive and touchy: feels impossible to get the precise movements the game wants when one slight twitch can send you blasting in crazy directions (though perhaps it's just my old reflexes). Game was very difficult to parse as well: there were tons of obstacles I couldn't make out from the monochromatic background or even tell were obstacles in the first place (like those small pulsing circles), there were tons of times where I thought I tipped too hard and crashed myself but I didn't and times where I swear I was perfect but it crashed, and I kept glitching like falling through the cracked blocks even though they I didn't break them, and so on and so forth.
Controls were frustrating as well: I wish when I was holding the button to hover to the ground that it wouldn't start charging up a jump immediately, instead it should wait until I release and press/hold the button once again. I'll give you credit in that I do plan to revisit this: despite my frustration I think there is a lot of potential in this and I'd like to give it another go to see if I can get used to it, but for now, I consider it a botched attempt at a challenging game as the controls and confusing design get in the way too much of the actual challenge to be had.
are you dutch? cuz the titel is petty dutch i mean its kattonauten kat and astronaute
if u are well im dutch too!
Hahah cool, but I am swedish!