My eyes got all crossed and crazy when i was watching that...wewt! /"\((.),(.))/"\
my first film. i gotta get a tablet, drawing with a mouse sux!
My eyes got all crossed and crazy when i was watching that...wewt! /"\((.),(.))/"\
very good
i loved it...especialy when you find out the whole thing was just a twizted teenager playing with weebles in his room.....nice work.....and the choice of music was good too............TOOL KICKS ASS
keep up the good job
i love it when people go crazy
but i find the ending a little too ironic dont you think but i guess its only natural for a four inch stupidity doll that wants to kill everyone who make him work longer i mean doing over time is actuly giving you more money no
thats what we all need in this low bad censored unfair un... (well you get the point) ...world
i give it a four thumd ups (the ones of my close friend counts too)
That was cool. It was all creepy N stuff. I love these kind of movies! Good job. I especially like the backgrounds that you drew. Really evil like. not bad!
That movie blowed like your other one. Jesus that was fucking stupid. What a waste of time. It took fucking long enough to load, and it sucked. Your fucking gay, homo. Jesus, I can't describe the gayness here.