like the art but the story lack... i meen "i moved on from weed to crack and heroin"... it just doesnt happen like tht
Heres a little public service announcement i made to educate kids against drug usage. It shows the true horror that the use of narcotics can bring. I'm really sorry for submitting this trash but theres a gun to my head right now and the bad man says if i dont post this hes going to shoot me.
*edit* sorry for some reason my preloaders olnly work on my computer and when i post them they dont work good could someone help me out with that?
Read the end. This isnt really anti drug. its a parody of anti drug. drugs are pretty okay.
Well i added teh NG preloader and some new sounds and changed one of the scenes around. its still basically the same i just changed a little animation and added some more background voices at the end. I hope it still works.
like the art but the story lack... i meen "i moved on from weed to crack and heroin"... it just doesnt happen like tht
Not bad, not bad at all
Great parody!
And you didnt need to mention it was one ;) (Anyone to stuiped to realise that...ignore them)
Anyways. Great animation, and sound (Except for when he scream, not your fault (the microphone squealched)
And I liked it! :)
Woah, that was fooked.
Haha I liked it. The random part about death and his nonstop pointing made me laugh. Keep up the good work man.
it wasnt brilliant
it was ok but a lil boering