lol i love how you insult kirby haha The entire thing was pretty damn good! bye the way it is star fox not tails
Alright things start to get good here...not great but it's advancing that's for sure.
Heh Heh...bouncy snow, I'm so clever.
(You have to click the text boxes to continue.)
lol i love how you insult kirby haha The entire thing was pretty damn good! bye the way it is star fox not tails
is that tails or someone els?
dis has to be da worst series i have ever seen without a doubt
Bouncey snow?
Kirby > you
No contest GG~
((this is the part when somebody spams "omG~ owndepawnzor bbq1337n00bEsauze!"))
omG~ owndepawnzor bbq1337n00bEsauze!omG~ owndepawnzor bbq1337n00bEsauze!omG~ owndepawnzor bbq1337n00bEsauze!omG~ owndepawnzor bbq1337n00bEsauze!omG~ owndepawnzor bbq1337n00bEsauze!
if u EVER insult kirby again il eat ur soul!!!