It's OK.
Link to the Image Collection. It is a collection of images brought together from various sources. Includes concepts, fanarts(Credited), screenshots, sprites, and other cool images including lore ones.
A fangame of Flying Red Barrel featuring a character named Chicha, who is thrown into a massive airplane war between Marc's Guild and a rival guild known as "The Order of the Flight".
-5 Levels each with an increasingly difficult boss.
-Two Modes: Regular and Arcade
-Simple story.
Flying Red Barrel owned by Orange_Juice.
Music provided by TeknoAxe.
Coded by LildawgGaming (Me).
Art by Tango, Crackgear/Cracky, NoLongerHuman, and LildawgGaming (Me).
Links and other credits are in-game on the main menu.
It's OK.
Meh quality top-down shooter.