Short but Hilarious
Noone see's the humor in a tough as nails cop, a sherriff, or a cop that plays by his own rules played by ghandi, a peaceful pacifist
Stupid me, I just discovered how to stream audio so that my movies are in better sync, and now that I am using Flash 5 (learning it really) I can use MP3 compression to keep the .swf file size down! (I could not use MP3 compression in Flash 4, it would lock up)
Short but Hilarious
Noone see's the humor in a tough as nails cop, a sherriff, or a cop that plays by his own rules played by ghandi, a peaceful pacifist
i think it was lacking in something.. couldn't find the humor in it..
Woah Man that was funny, yet the graphics weren't special, I LOVED IT! You should make another one like that maybe with a different character. Good job, man!
it was ok
you should have animated it btw that was from weird al
That was the funniest damn thing I have seen on new grounds. "I'll have a steak, medium rare." Too bad you couldnt get the actual clip from UHF