Dom starts out a little slow, but than brings the shrapnel. This is very funny for a Thanksgiving movie. The humor is still good today. Happy Thanksgiving 2018 to everybody.
Dom says Happy Thanksgiving in his own special way.
Dom starts out a little slow, but than brings the shrapnel. This is very funny for a Thanksgiving movie. The humor is still good today. Happy Thanksgiving 2018 to everybody.
But why..
Why was there only one piece of shrapnel in your head, and you said fourty pounds? Over-exaggeration gets you nowhere in my book. :(
Can't believe I fell 2 da ground and laughted 4 a
whole hour. I feel like an idiot, I could've
blammed about 40 submimmisions.>_<
Now this is actually funny unlike most shit i see! :)
Shrapnel Thanksgiving
That was very funny, not to mention pretty good animation. I may not be American, but celebrating Thanksgiving that way seems pretty cool :) A nicely done little movie, with good sound and reasonable art.