oh my god
this is taking up all my screen
it's wider than your mother xdddd
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT USERS ONLY, I DO NOT MEAN TO MAKE A TRIPPLE A STYLE GAME, THERE WILL BE UPDATES REGULARLY. also please set the create/join inuputs to "1". that way, it makes the servers run faster :)
Even the tinyest bit of support will result in big changes. If i get 2 comments, I will make it go shooter. If you have questions of comments, please visit https://discord.com/channels/851669680212148264/851669680212148266
also please dont sue me nitendo, my family isnt rich enough to afford a lawer, Im sorry i used your music in my game
oh my god
this is taking up all my screen
it's wider than your mother xdddd
This game is better than battle field 5 yo wth
how do i control my character?
spam wasd to get extra doodoo
game of the year, you have surpassed tripple a, you are quadruple a game maker
Yeah lol 😂, im actually makeing it a shooter and in 3d very soon, just you wait
your mother
lol this game was a joke made for the meme monday game jam