the orange needs to be more orange, can get confused with yellow. esp with all the effects in the way. still, fun idea.
[This game was created for a game jam "trijam" in 3 hours.]
Left - Left Arrow
Right - Right Arrow
Activate Gem Stone - Space
Deactivate Gem Stone - Space
Shoot - F
Combine colours to destroy a crystal
Programmer - Biebrass
Art - Biebrass
Music - Noah
the orange needs to be more orange, can get confused with yellow. esp with all the effects in the way. still, fun idea.
Your feedback was taken into consideration, and I updated the colour contrast to reduce confusion.
Have a great day!
***Update ***
- Thanks for fixing the color. It's MUCH MUCH easier to distinguish now!
- I got up to a score of 630.
- I like how the timer goes down just hair for each subsequent level, so actually the scaling of difficulty is pretty spot on!
- Leaving old comment below for posterity.
- Would love to see you apply this to something larger scale.
- One thought, You could almost use the number pad/keys as toggles and add in 3 shapes of the gems, possibly even 3 types of engraving (9 keys!), add a new type in every couple levels, and really increase the play time and number of levels.
- Nice Job :)
*** End Update ***
The "orange" crystal I have to destroy is too close in color to the yellow Gem. Specifically, for the "Gem Stones" you use with the laser, the exact shade of red gem you've chosen has too much yellow in it, and the exact shade of yellow gem has too much red in it. Couple with how close these are and graphic highlight effects, it's hard to distinguish. Your red needs to be a more pure red, almost darker, and your yellow gem vs yellow crystal I have to destroy need to be further apart in the color wheel.
Otherwise, Interesting little reaction puzzle. Seems like it could be 1 component of a larger game, like the basis of beating a boss fight or something. And Yes I know you made this in 3 hours for a timed day jam, but I still score it against the criteria of how fun it is to play, how much I want to keep playing, and how interesting it is. Your game is an interesting concept, but in it's current form it goes a repetitive quickly.
I got up a score of 252
Thank you for the feedback!
I already changed the contrast of colours to reduce confusion. You should check it out!
Have a great day!