rip lol
Finally done with my first flash movie so far. I feel I've been working on it for ages, even though its more like weeks. Anyway, I'm not sure if I should go on making flash movies, so you users at Newgrounds will deside.
Enjoy and write reviews :)
I updated the loading screen and the
screen at the end.. hope you guys like it :)
PS: Keep thouse reviews coming :D
and if you would wanto talk to me..
contact me at MSN:
rip lol
Both endings are the same, the difference is Dracular killing him self or not, but after that it's the same ending, just whatch it and you'll all see. Though it is nice and funny and it was awsome that two awsome characters got together, as also people have made referance that SOTN is kind of like Metroid ^_^ LOL.
LOL Samus..!!
They are both cool characters, but that was as lame as it gets man.
"whoa.. that was kinda nice"