1) I'm having an issue turning a tile designated as solid, into NON-solid, and then back again. At some point, I had drawn a 90x90 map as solid, and I couldn't go back and change my paths to non-solid.
2) One thought is the initial designation of solid/non-solid wall unit shouldn't be locked in until we play a level. Specifically, the first thing that happens when you "load" a level is does a check for and apply solid/non-solid. Or all blocks are non-solid, and we have to "paint" them solid.
3) At the very least, we should be able to delete or reset a placed block. If we can walk around on the default white board, which by default is non-solid, then, since we can freely change this type of non-solid block, we should be able to do it every time.
4) From a map-builder's point of view, a general minimap, or at least a button to view the overall would be helpful. Even if it's not for use for in-game play.
5) A quick toggle button to let us view everything in maybe a 3 color mode. White for unassigned tiles, Gray for assigned tiles that are non-solid, and Black for assigned tiles that are solid. This would help tremendously with pathing issues.
6) A few more Blocks. here are some ideas 6a) One with vertical stripes for stairs to go left/right, 6b) one with horizontal stripes for stairs to go up/down, 6c) a blank unassigned block. 6d) a couple more "wall" blocks that are basically less textured than your gravel/grass blocks. 6e) a water block, 6f) a sand block.
7) A check upon level saving that checks to ensure if you've placed a door or key, you also have the corresponding colored door or key in the level. (this just saves you a lot of headaches in error checking levels).
8) Some way to tell the overall map size, we those of us that use graph paper can map out things.
9) I think the Flood fill tool is a great idea, where it floods all attached non-assigned boxes with the currently filled. This tool would have to correspond with the additional of a blank block. This way we could start off automatically with flood filling the entire map with black or ground, then using the blank block with flood fill to carve out paths and walls quickly and effectively.
10) I think the enemies could use some work. I'd almost prefer enemies that attacked the player based on a "line of sight" or proximity mechanic. It'd definitely make the levels easier to plan.
- Seems like a neat tool, but it's fairly cumbersome to get around in in it's current iteration, specifically, the tool has a lot of features, but with the help of some navigation upgrades, it could be substantially easier for people to make epic levels.