Hello again everyone, this episode was a joy to make although I have some bad news, but also some good news
so lets start off with some episode info, this episode was such a fun one to make and experiment with, I tried to make the intro walking a bit quicker to mixed results, same goes for a travel shot between Gribly and Groony later in the episode, but I think I hit more then I missed with this one with the bouncy ball and baseball related animation, I'm honestly surprised how fluid it all looks despite the red ball only being three unique pieces and the baseball only being 2, not counting the special fast arm movement pieces, also, the ending was super fun to do and I didn't have the specifics of it in the original story boards, also the music was interesting as this episode has tow music track, although its not like last time where YouTube was dumb, but instead me finding a better recording of the song take me out to the ball game then the original one I used with the original version I used being of poorer quality
ok, now the bad news but it's not exactly super bad news, I am moving so production on the next episode will probably a bit longer, when I'm a bit more settled in my new home I'll let yall know via my social media, probably do it on my Instagram, if you want more horror animation content in the meantime I highly recommend the work of Nugra and their cartoon "My Room" and its sequel series "My Roof" honestly some of the most underrated and truly fantastic stuff and some of the best surreal Horror ARG influenced animated content since the Walton files, that's a quote I will stand by
HERE'S A LINK TO MY DUDES CHANNEL, please check em out when you have a chance
anyways now onto the good news, I have begun early pre production (mainly storyboarding and script writing) for two new animated projects I'm doin, one is going to be a animated film anthology/video essay type thing based around how i got into animation and show off and discuss my early forays into making animations myself. the other project is a trilogy of videos I’ll be releasing (hopefully) yearly about Gribly fighting another super powerful evil clown thing, although this opponent is a little bit more likable and from a famous animated web animated series that's been going for years now, I'm actually planning on releasing these videos on the anniversary for this series every year with there as I previously said being three instalments translating into three rounds between Gribly and the mystery clown
also nearly forgot to mention, I'm now a part of a podcast, "The Cable Trash Cast", check out the first episode where I try to stay awake and coherently discuss stop motion with my friends wall also getting use to how podcasts work, Link here
anyways, that's about it for now, here are some links to my other stuff
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEBHrCusF6vQXYheqaqDPYg
twitter: https://twitter.com/ComicGroony?s=09
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/groonycomicstrip/
thank you for your time and thank you so much for supporting me through this first half of my first animated mini series
"Baseball song "Take Me Out To the Ball Game" by Edward Meeker September 1908 recording. Edison Record. The original 1908 lyrics."
"An instant hit in 1908, and still running strong after one hundred years. Albert Von Tilzer's song quickly became a classic as America's signature song for baseball."