CGI music video created by Ksti Hu for IXXF’s debut single, “Everything Sucks”
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Ksti Hu on Instagram ~
In Ksti Hu’s video we see a character who feels helpless in a broken world. While crawling through the mud, IXXF wails “I SUCK AT THIS!” But as the camera pans around to abandoned commercial and material artifacts, one can only question if the character’s insecurities come as a product of their environment. Originally to be titled “I SUCK” we decided to change the title to “Everything Sucks” to tell those experiencing 2020 they can only be responsible for so much. There are tons of folks who internalize the bad and feel at fault or guilty. Hopefully this video reminds those people to look around to see we are all in this together. You don’t suck; Everything Sucks.