This reminds me of the time when i worked at the CI... Plumer Industry.
this movie is crap
This reminds me of the time when i worked at the CI... Plumer Industry.
Not terrible, but at the same time, not so good either.
For a first, it's really good
IMO, it's almost as good as most flashes, just make the explosions look better and also, make the ninjas move there arms instead of just flkipping and jumping.
((( HMMMMMM )))
Well some advice is what i like to do not put downs like alot of clocks like to do, id say sharpen up the animation, and maybe add some text, the story seemed ok, just needs abit more, notbad for your first...
Holy shit you suck ass
God damn this was hella gay. And why the fuck do you call yourself "Darkcherryclock"? Youre such a fucking knockoff. Dont EVER post on the fucking CC bbs because ill have your gay ass banned.