I know this is old but I think you should just remove this.'s short, not compressed well and not all that funny. I'll be replacing it sometime in the future. You should probally skip this (and number 2) and watch the more recent episodes.
I know this is old but I think you should just remove this.
im ur #1 fan....and part time stalker lol
hi im ur new #1 fan :D
...............if u wanna know where the last one sure there body will turn up eventually.........lmao
pretty shitty movie!
and this is for the guy before me
yeah he used the MegamanX from SNES sprites
to make Link.
i dun get it
but did you use mega mans like body for link cuz i thought his boots looked familiar
Perfect parody
There should be more like this! Screw "AYB: Sonic Adventure". Watch this instead.