What the fuck was that? If your gonna make a stick figure movie. Make it like Xiao Xiao or some shit, not this piece of crap. Go work on flash for 5 years then come back with something better than this crap.
a new form of Jack Ass
What the fuck was that? If your gonna make a stick figure movie. Make it like Xiao Xiao or some shit, not this piece of crap. Go work on flash for 5 years then come back with something better than this crap.
Dude, THAT WAS AWSOME! That is one of the best movies i have seen in along time! Keep up the good work!
ummm, no
that really wasnt good, sorry
uhm... what was that?
it was just sticks which isn't neccessarily bad, but the animation was all choppy and crappy. Keep at it thought man.
that was just fucking sad.
Yep, it sucked in every field, well except in sound. Liked the music, but the rest...