Yo this is so rad!!
To fully control Cableville, Shifty Sal and Feng need to do one thing! get rid of Wird. Wird's time is up on this episode of WIRD!
After 5 months of work, the season finale of WIRD is finally here. This is truly my longest and greatest project yet! Thank you to those who follow and enjoy the series, I couldn't have done it without you! Stay tuned for new WIRD stuff coming in the future!
Title card artist- https://twitter.com/GE_comix
Feng's Voice actor - https://twitter.com/AdoxTalks
Sal's voice actor - https://twitter.com/rheetles
Outro music: P.sus - https://twitter.com/PdotSUS
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Discord server- https://discord.gg/3XQyGJWY3P
Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/wird
Twitter- https://twitter.com/WirdHere
Yo this is so rad!!
Adox is on Newgrounds in case you wanna add her as a collaborator: https://adoxographist.newgrounds.com/
hey look at me I'm time traveling to see how porn gonna looks in 3015
This is very interesting i would like to see more of this!