Modern ovens are pathetic and take forever to heat up in the first place. With an RTX 3090 inside, your oven will implode instantly, giving a nice texture to your roast potatoes for example.
I spent 2 months doing the cloth physics for some reason.
Many thanks to the great voice actors in this video.
Jixaw: https://www.twitter.com/_Jixaw
Lily Ride: https://www.twitter.com/astroride2000
Blastboyd: https://www.twitter.com/blastboyd
Outcry: https://www.twitter.com/OutcryEDM
Thank you, this video really helped me overclock my oven. My oven can finally bake beans at 4K 60fps. I have also found that it works with other things as well, such as my toaster, which made my bread toasting experience 30,000% faster. And my toast has never been crispier too!
the best video ever
this is just perfect
That fish went into WWE mode.