Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.
The voting has already been ended. So don't NOT VOTE ON THIS VIDEO! This animation took me 1 month, because Episode 6 was delayed for difficulties. This is my last time to animate Object Rashed in Flash 8, because in next episode, the episodes are gonna to be animated by Adobe Animate and from now on. Also, I am gonna change New Object Rashed Bodies. The Intro and their New Bodies are gonna to be used Episodes 7-11. In Episode 12, i will explain that next time when they are gonna have new bodies and a intro. But from right now, Sit back and relax and enjoy this episode!
NEW Poses are in DeviantArt, Here's the link to my DeviantArt account:
YouTube Link: