The turtle is so bemused!
I decided to make a song and animation to, uh ... "celebrate" it this year. Hope you like it! :)
The turtle is so bemused!
This could almost have been an effective antipolution campaign, with the added slogan. Polluting is like recreation 50 shades of grey with the planet. Bad choices and abuse just for instant gratification.
OK Ähhm Der Beat und die Musik waren natürlich wieder klasse, allerdings war mir der Text ein bisschen zu kinky, auch wenn es ja wahr ist, was wir alles der Erde antun.
English:OK Ehhm the beat and the music were as always superb, but the lyrics were a bit too kinky for me, although the lyrics are true, how we damage the earth. (That's German)
and then. earth 2 was made
The concept is weird but its done VERY WELL! AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE MUSIC AAAA