We are all tied to the devine ratio.
Math lovers rejoice! This movie is for you! If you do not like math, it's highly probable you will not get anything out of this.
Believe it or not, there is an underlying message to all of this. A cookie for whoever guesses it first!
We are all tied to the devine ratio.
Don't you morons understand?!
The first 5 seconds of this film saw me creaming my pants. I can't believe this doesn't have a higher score than it currently has. This is...quite simply....the greatest movie I have ever seen.
Sir, I have been touched, in my heart and in my pants. Thank you very much for this film...I will never forget it.
Was he searching for a piece of the pi?
The symbol for Phi is ¨ª.
The symbol for pi is ¥ð. Which is used in this toon.
I didn't understand the relationship between the DNA or the flower and the number pi.
Well I got it
I'm not sure how many people understood what this film was even about. Obviously most of them probably don't even understand what the Phi symbol looks like.
This film depicts an investigation into Pi,
Pi is the symbol pictured and also the most prevalent number in mathematics and all of reality.
The natural world (flowers and nature,) and even the metaphysical world (like the movement of the stockmarket or as shown, the progression of all numbers in electronics.)
Pi is the most fascinating mathematical concept because it is inherent in absolutely everyting down to the smallest strand of DNA. It is the blueprint for the universe.
A cookie for you, sir!
I get it!
it's a piece of shit, this deserves to be blamed.