Wayyat? Wayyat? Wayyat? Wayyat? Now they go! Now they go! Now they go! Now they go!
Wayyat? Wayyat? Wayyat? Wayyat? Now they go! Now they go! Now they go! Now they go!
this was like my first game
Cheese platforms do not reappear once they go out of the screen
thanks for the feedback, I will try my best to fix it.
Was going so well until I got up to the Cheese land and the the cheese bits you need to jump on to get higher don't reset if you miss one and drive it through a wall... love the idea with this platformer otherwise though. Fun, creative; different in good ways...
Even if I really thought it'd be all about the PeanutButterJellyTime meme/dance/thing. :P
Good stuff.
I can see this game going some where but with the current of this game I can see it getting blamed... and maybe change the ice cube's animation.
Nice platformer game, the character design is nice but the cheese block kinda screw you over because they go so fast you mess up.
Thanks for feedback.