Hello everyone, Groony The Animated mini Series, Episode 2: A Colorful World is out and i have to say that releasing this thing has been a struggle
you see the song in this episode is not the original song i had intended for it, the original song was march of the gladiators, basically the definitive circus music, i had found a public domain recording and thought everything was cool but no, do to youtube's weird and messed up copyright bot it thought that the version of the song i had was not in the public domain and instead some song by a children's band, needless to say i quickly found a suitable replacement, did some minor editing to make it perfect and put in in the video, the replacement song btw is the song Waltz of the Carnies by Kevin MacLeod which this dudes music is a life saver when it comes to projects like mine, anyways i go to add the music to the audio to the video and then discover after i export my video from my editor there appears to be frames missing and screen tearing problems, so i try everything within my power to fix the problem, i get mouth foamingly frustrated because nothing works and then my computer crashes, so i decided at that point it wasn't worth the trouble and grief so i'm just releasing the unedited version, hopefully all of you will enjoy it cause i put a tone of effort into it, now im uploading it to newgrounds with the new soundtrack just in case
here's my social medias where you can find the groony comic strip
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEBHrCusF6vQXYheqaqDPYg
twitter: https://twitter.com/ComicGroony?s=09
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/groonycomicstrip/
thank you for your time and again i hope you enjoy the work i put out
Waltz of the Carnies by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4607-waltz-of-the-carnies