Hahahaha! Oh my! You are really going there! I realized at the beginning of word number 10! I usually play with my volume turned real low, but now I can hear the music, too. Ha! Nice message, and creative twist on THAT meme, turning it into this art game. The only thing is the black hole time delay is quite long and excruciating, and I feel folks aren't going to be patient enough to get through the whole message... but maybe that was the point? The RR point! Ha! I have made it to the fifth line.....
So in all fairness, for a game review, if there is more to this game than a cute tongue-in-check text version of that meme, then it's gonna need tweaking. Because as it is now, it's not a game, but a nice bit of text with, of course, great background music. A fun way to be RR'd!