might have been better if the fire wasn't so loud
Don't blam it if you heard the joke sometime before. that takes all the fun out of it.
might have been better if the fire wasn't so loud
It was alright. Would have been better with better sound... couldn't understand what they were saying :/
Hooray! Well, hell...I liked it. Funny. Martins gonna love this one.
So fucking retarted. What where yout thinking? OMG! Look its okay to do this when you have nothing better to do-BUT YOUR 22! GET A BITCH AND GET A LIFE. IF YOU DONT THEN YOU WILL STAY IN THE LOSER ZONE OF NEWGROUNDS FLASH FOREVER.
And thats where you want to be. Dont you tard.
although i heard the joke before thatsn not the reason i hate it, its because of its distinct lack of goodness, it was so shit and the guy before me was right you had to add the other 2 bits as well. maybe next time chummer