The animation wasnt that great, and the thing was really short but besides from that and the no sound it was entertaining. I think you should make an RPG
The first CMPmovies project. This is not one of those things I'm not gonig to finish...I'm going to be bringing new demo's often.
The animation wasnt that great, and the thing was really short but besides from that and the no sound it was entertaining. I think you should make an RPG
Not bad
Now if you could only make longer and more adventure games like this (with a multitude of options)then that would be wonderful.
a marked improvement over your other stuff in my opinion colin, i like the way you have taken the time to draw the backgrounds all in properly, and of course the cool sounds effect
neeeerrrr, naaaahhh!
But a few bits of advice
1.slow the text down it goes to quick on some bits
2.Put some more interactivity in it, maybe choices that allow for multiple routes???
3.dont let the storyline get stupid
Thats just contructive criticism though, i like it, carry on with it!
would be better if it was continuous without the buttons....and the words r quite hard to read..use a different font or enlarge it.
Just cool