//Better in Fullscreen
//Also play on
Y or Z = Jump
X = Switch gravity only avalibal when you have the upgrade
C = Open Upgrade Menu
Arrowkeys = Move
The game was made for the WOWIE Game Jam 3.0 the Theme was Loosing means progress. So how my game fits the Theme when you lose your live you get a special ability so you can progress "Loosing Lives gives you progress".
//Tools used
Bosca Ceoil for Music
SFXR for Soundeffects
Unity 2019.4f as game engine
Visualstudio 2019 Community for programming
GIMP for Sprites
Poly = Music
Poly = Programming
Poly = Art
Poly = Animations
//Sourcecode avalibal under a CC license on Github( or as Download on
It crashed as soon as I press x.
I asked around and a few people said I should give 0-1 so you are notified?
Thank you,
When you press x in the menu you quit the game that causes crashes in the web build I guess when you are having this issue in the levels then I did something wrong Sorry for these issue I try to fix it soon