very fun and challenging :3 good way to kill an hour or two, plus really cute sprites
Your computer has been infected! Go through level to level platforming and solving puzzles with a Virus looming over your shoulder, restricting your movement and even outright taking control!
WASD / Arrow Keys - Move
Spacebar - Jump
Game and level design by everyone involved.
The OST can be found here.
Tricky Keys is a puzzle platformer made in 48 hours for GMTK Jam 2020, with the theme "Out of Control".
Originally released on July 12, 2020.
very fun and challenging :3 good way to kill an hour or two, plus really cute sprites
it'd be better with better wall jumping mechanics. Still lots of fun and satisfyingly difficult puzzles.
Cool concept and challenging levels make this game very fun to play, thoug the end feels a little bit...meh. (Something like a final battle against the virus could be cool).
I AM THE GOD OF TRICKY KEYS! (I am dogshit at this game btw)
Great game, even though in some levels it can be extremely frustrating.