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bean hero v.2

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Author Comments

updated sound and graphics, this is mostly frame by frame which can take alot of time to make, and editing the sound can be a real shit, so plz vote fairly

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its was weird!!! but the violence was cool!!!! TOO SLOW!!!

Cool :P

Cool movie!!!
Graphics and sound are both good, but i think you should try to make it all happen a bit faster... goin too slow...
But anyway still a good job.
Thumbs up,


? banana ?

you say my shit sucks !1

you know man I can tell this movie was done while you were fucking your mom hahaha jk you just need do work on your back grounds like add shading also work on your art work of the characters because I can see you are on a good start just keep it up

willy-wizz responds:

dont worry iv improved greatly, and should be releasing a good animation after iv finished my GCSE's, and eventually im releasing an animation with A REAL CONTINUING NON MANGA STORYLINE! (which will make a difference to NG) but thats gonna take a while because im lazy, and its all frame by frame and ditailed tweening mix, but hopfully shuld be good, if its good enough maybe it will distract you long enough while i bone ur mum ;)

Hmmm...pretty good

That was pretty cool, especially when "Killing in the name" comes on. God bless that bean :'(

willy-wizz responds:

yeh fag! bring it on! yo aint getin down wit dis shit till dis shit de sides to git down wit yo! FAG!
thanx for the response you raised sum good points and i really think that the .HAM SANDWHICH. should sit up and listen to .MR POOH POOH. like they used to

Credits & Info

3.43 / 5.00

Jan 17, 2003
11:48 AM EST