I love to see early harry potter fan games, but this one is unplayable despite the relatively impressive graphics for the time.
Run from the bugger or youl die.
I love to see early harry potter fan games, but this one is unplayable despite the relatively impressive graphics for the time.
A nice game
This was a nice game could use much more though these types of games you can pretty much make anything you went ahead and made an interesting game Hmmmm well looks like from what others are saying this could be stolen hmmm, and whats up with the green, ohwell, maybe next time. maybe more improvments next time on this one
If you are going to use the Harry Potter theme than you need magic spells. The challenge level starts off to high. The bugger should go slower to give the player the chance to learn the gameplay.
Much Fun
Wow, what a great game. Maybe this is just me (and no, I'm not one of those 10 year old retards running around shouting Harry Potter phrases and poking out my eye with a broom hoping it'll fly so I can play Quidditch) but this game is great. These reviews sounds more like some "mature" kids who see themselves a bit too good or too "mature" to play something like Harry Potter, or stuff like Pokemon, even though games can be good.
WHOA man...
...that like, totally sucked! come on now, how the hell do u expect us to get the snitch? good try, anyway