After one month of development, here is the episode everyone's been waiting for!
This object show has been made by me and Spencer Everly. Subscribe to him here!
Thumbnail by Test Tube Animations
Music Used:
- Plants vs. Zombies: Day Stage
- Wario Land (Super Mario Land 3): Stage Theme I
- Metrolopismania 2: BGM_14*
- Paper Mario - Stickr Star: STRM_BGM_EVT_FF_IMPACT3*
- Super Mario RPG: Here's Some Weapons!
- MOTHER 3: In the Room
- Sonic Unleashed: Shamar Night
- Cuphead: bgm_level_frogs*
- Tetris 99: bgm_game_cusD_2.dspadpcm*
- Sonic Mania: Chemical Plant (Act 1)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns: Barrel(02L)_32kBPM219*
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: SMG2_galaxy23_strm*
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: SMG2_galaxy14_strm*
- future james: lifecouldbeadream
- Super Smash Bros. Melee: izumi*
* = Raw Video Game Name
Thanks for watching! Be sure to subscribe to me for more content!