i love the art style it reminds me of invader zim
Foamy & Pilz-E learn from Germaine's mistakes and try to put together a cartoon!
(Which will be a new series, which will be posted when it's done... or not at all. I'm moody)
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i love the art style it reminds me of invader zim
This was cute. Well, as cute as a Foamy cartoon can be. Cartoons are just so awesome. I especially love the meta-references. I've forgotten the name of the mohawked squirrel. At least I remember Pilz-E.
Yeah, cartoons have always played a big part in my life. Your animation may have gotten better. There's at least some more expressions from Foamy. Glad you got Daily Feature. You probably deserve it.
Oh, Foamy, you aren't the only squirrel on that road!
Release The Kartoons!