way to short that was like 10 seconds it felt like! anyways for the killing and graphics i give it a 5
A flash animation by Patrick Holland
way to short that was like 10 seconds it felt like! anyways for the killing and graphics i give it a 5
Good but short
Much too short. I liked it, good animation technique, good plot, good god (no pun intended), but it was way too short and easy: the world is in trouble, God kills some people, some guy kills God instantly. There should have been an overly dramatised battle between the hero and all the gods.
howd this pass as good OMG
Cool concept, Great Sound
The graphics and sound give a really cool feel to the movie, which is impressive, esspecially considering it uses stickmen, which are pretty plain. I really like the concept, and the secret weapon of a stick. Short, sweet and to the point, but it needs a continuation, cause I want more while watching, but I don't know where you would go from here. The sound is great, concept is great.