This Short film has an better story than ''The Room''.
This Short film has an better story than ''The Room''.
And still the movie they went to see made more sense than "The Room"
Nice Animation and Voice Acting! And I liked the humor.
Thank you so much,I'm not used to nice comments XD
Nice animation so this was a pretty cool animation really welldone on the characters here love the camera shots too along with the effects it all comes together for a good film here anyways keep up the great work.
maybe if anything some subtitles
Thanks so much, Sometimes I talk too fast and so do the others so I understand why subtitles would be a good idea espicially with the accents. Thanks for the nice comment
Very well made, and good job in creating a connection between the audience and the character.
Thanks so much, Hopefully the next ones will be better if I ever get the time to make them :)