Sorry forgot how to make a preloader.......please wait though coz its worth it.....
those fucking british police pick on every body they should pick on there asses
damn british police fuckers
I heard recently only somethin like a month ago that the police that shot them were punished... only about a month ago.... after all that time! and thyguy! noone shot them! they made it up so they wouldnt get in trouble! nice message jamie
Its ok
"You can't blame the british police for doing their job. If someone fires at them, they have the right to defend themselves."
By killing innocent people.
^^Good Points^^
Really nothing notable in this section of the review.
^^Needs Improving^^
This was a terrible game. All the player does is hit a few buttons and click a few times in order to win this game. There is no resistance from any of the enemies which makes the game incredibly easy and really boring.