this made me burst out laughing i love shit like this
This godawful piece of crap took almost an entire year.
(Hopefully) fixed the issue where the button doesn't work. Button is now green for financial reasons.
this made me burst out laughing i love shit like this
makes no sense but i guess it's kind of relat a ble;
edit: i paid attention to it and i think it ,s good, the car flying by is too fast though so maybe make it crash later on in the road
it's OK guess
No. Its just bad. The car overlay isn't placed right, the light button doesn't even work, its just talking. Next time when you make one of these please make it look right. (not meaning to be cruel im just giving a review.)
reply: Yeah the more I look at it I like it
Understandable. Although, if I'm being honest, I kind of like the misplaced car overlay, so I'm keeping that one, sorry.