I love it and wish there was an entire TV series about this! Aaah! 💙💖💜
An animated short I made along with the talented s0s2!
You can see and follow The Little Trashmaid comics at;
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I love it and wish there was an entire TV series about this! Aaah! 💙💖💜
yay!! Now in color and with the creator :D
i had to go baack to watch this one man her poor tail still XD
All the things you can't do in the underwater world hmm. XD Love this idea, and so expressive execution of it all too. Hope to see more of her. This was great.
It's nice to how the lack of character interaction actually strengthens the myth too. Like there could actually be mermaids out there like this, they just don't make themselves known...
Wow amazing!
wanna be friends?