I do not understand much!!!
Squirrels are pure evil, may this movie serve to educate unsuspectful parents that leave their kidz to the mercy of those evil hellbreed beasts.
PD would you newgrounders like to see more squirrel movies?????????????
Att:Fibroblast fron Flash Team-X
I do not understand much!!!
The baby walking was pretty smooth in this flash (even thoguh it was the same thing over and over again), and overall the animation was pretty smooth. I like the music a lot, too.
Well, there was no 'PLAY' or 'REPLAY' button, frist of all (was there a 'REPLAY' button?), and I guess the graphics could have been a little bit better. Also, it was kind of short.
Yea....that made no sense, that was as ignorant as thinking bears are cute and cuddly. Squirrels would split if someone got close enough to take a freggen' acorn away....duh and burn.
You are a genious. A Don't Fuck With Squirrels movie disguised as an anti-squirrel movie.
Squirrels arent that evil! KIDS ARE!!! the kid made the mistake not the squirrel