how you do go
To celebrate the end of an era, I thought I might dig up some old Flash-Game prototypes and share them with you. They are REALLY old and not great, but maybe some of you will find them interesting. Note that they are prototypes, so be prepared to encounter loads of bugs.
This is a prototype from 2005 of a sequel to Bullet-Time Fighting. It's got "cool" things such as bullet time, a fluid animation system, "destructible environments" (well, kinda. you can cut through tiles with a sword), and a pretty bad control scheme! You can watch a gameplay demo of all the features here:
Run: [left] / [right]
Jump: [up]
Big jump: press [up] twice while running
Bullet time: hold [x]
Crouch: [down]
Lock direction: hold [c]
Roll: [down] while running
Dive roll: while running, press [up] then [down]
Jump kick: while running, press [up] then [left] / [right] backward
Cartwheel: [up] then [left] / [right] backward
Kick: [up] then [left] / [right] forward then hold [down]
Dodge: [up] then [down]
Punch: press and hold [ctrl] / [cmd] then hold [left] / [right] forward
Block: press and hold [ctrl] / [cmd] then hold [left] / [right] backward
Run up a wall: run then jump against a wall, then hold [up]
Wall jump: press [left] / [right] while touching a wall or while wall running.
Backflip: press [left] / [right] towards the wall while wall running.
Toggle weapon: [shift]
Change weapon: hold [shift] then press [left] / [right]
Reload gun: hold [shift] then press [ctrl] / [cmd]
Shoot gun: hold [ctrl] / [cmd]
Sword dive: Do a backflip with a sword equipped
Spawn hearts: [space] (don't spawn too many, or the game will slow down to a crawl)
And a couple more moves that I'm not gonna list here.
Open the level editor: [Home] ([Fn] + [Left] for people on Macs)
Spawn enemy: [PgUp] ([Fn] + [Up] on Macs)
Remove enemy: [PgDown] ([Fn] + [Down] on Macs. Beware that this removes the player character when there are no enemies left.)
Note that slopes and half blocks from the editor don't work properly.
I remember being kind of proud of the interpolated animations. There was even a build that added motion blur to the individual limbs. But looking at it now, the whole thing doesn't really hold up well at all. I could never quite figure out how to make this into an actual full game, so I abandoned it after a while. And the screen is so tiny because this was before we had bitmap caching, and anything bigger would bring my puny laptop from back in the day to its knees!
That is all. Happy holidays to you all, and cheers to Flash!
how you do go
This is great!
I know it's just an old demo but there's something about it that I just like. It may be esoteric but I genuinely love the control scheme.
I'm interested in programming and design, and this Demo gave me some good ideas, if I ever get around to it I want to make something like this.
For some reason none of the controls work for me, the only thing that does anything is wasd and that only moves the camera, nothing else works which is such a shame because i remember playing bullet time fighting 1 and it was sick
gameplay was fine, i liked the level editor but yes have ctrl as the attack button is awkard to use
Dude, this is your first submission in 15 years! That has to be a record! I admit there still wasn't much to this. I feel bad that your submissions got deleted. At least I know how! I'm not much into demos like this.
You should make an "Ultimate Flash Sonic 2"! That set a record for game appearing on the most websites! Seriously, I think it did! You do need sounds for this. Wait, there was a Bullet time 3?