the animation needs a work, but other than that, i loved it. not to mention i'm a big fan of williams work.
to quoat an earlier review
"rock was here first and metallica is always better"
actualy rock (as you seem to know it)was the love chiald of blues and urban lyricists, the very same two that would later produce R&B and hiphop. so in effect, rap and rock both have the same musical origins in the since that lizerds and frogs both came from fish. as far as metallica is consered, the only thing there better at is producing over comerchialized, under writen, self-rightoius garbage. i like all stials of music. but it's people like you, who generalise music and can't even see the value and aprechiate the message in the stiles you don't like, that are responsible for the MTV generation of neo-pop doplgangers and the rest of the no talent wanabe rockstars that dominate the charts. sufice to say ther is a spechial Place in hell for idiots like you. my god, if you hate rap so much why did you even bother to write a review.