what code in video
View the source code here (Note: this is important): https://github.com/Eatkin/JustinWallsCookingSimulator
This is not a joke, this is a serious game
Help me, why don't you?
Even people like me get into trouble sometimes
People make mistakes
Anyway, I need help fixing mine
Sometimes I get drunk and do stupid things
Sometimes I get drunk and poison my entire family
When that happens, I can't live with the consequences
Otherwise I will rot in prison
Don't leave me here
I need help
Someone must help me
Radial drilling machine
Did you get all that?
Yours Faithfully,
Justin Wall
How to play
Point and click controls - arrow keys to move (or WASD), click on things to interact with them
If on mobile, press and drag left or right to move left and right.
Interactive objects will move when you hover the mouse over.
JustWall Games a.k.a. Justin Wall - music
DisOmikron - vocal cords
what code in video
You gotta decode the code for the next game.
Time to cook my family!
An interesting game. I really like the gibberish for sound effects. I really hate how painful the graphics and animals are on my eyes. They're like pulsating tumors. I cry forever.
P.S. Nice acrostic, but I don't understand it.
Sorry about your eyes :(
Ending 2 will help you :)
Not my usual genre but this definitely made me laugh a lot :D