I didn't know this was also on Newground that's one of the better game I've played on the internet!
Can be played using a touch screen or a mouse + arrow keys.
This is sort of a proof of concept that does function as a full game, but could be expanded upon with so many more possibilities and ideas. If only I had more time. Or even better, a crew of willing programmers. I hope you'll enjoy it thus far! :)
Character graphics were a collaborative effort by many wonderful artists over at Scratch.
Thanks everyone :)
Runs slow on Firefox :(
Background gfx are from gamedevmarket.net [Best $6 I ever spent!]
I didn't know this was also on Newground that's one of the better game I've played on the internet!
This game has a lot of heart! Shame this is a side of Scratch I never got to experience. It's a little bit hard to pick up new spells, though that might be because I'm using a trackpad and have lower control over where my pointer goes. I'm really impressed by the coding and system of spells overall, though! And it's got your own personal touch of silliness as usual!
Bug report: I can't advance through Spotify's dialogue. Help?
Current save code:
Since this is made in Scratch I can help! I am very skilled when it comes to Scratch. Not as skilled as Griffpatch, but still ok.
I think this game is quite clever.
I'm curious how you programmed the spells. I.E. tracking different mouse movements and mouse movement patterns.
The combat is ok, but seems a little too simple and redundant. Shooting spells that have somewhat different projectile behavior at enemies that move around randomly isn't super interesting imo. There isn't much variation or difficulty scaling with this system and most fights will feel very similar after awhile.
One suggestion would be to have enemies designed so they are susceptible to certain spells and immune to others. In order to defeat them, one must use the correct spells or combinations of spells. - This adds more of a skill element to the game, allowing more difficulty scaling, and gives the player a strong reason for learning and practicing different spells.
This game is amazing i love it, i love all the characters, each with his unique personality.
the way to fight and do magic is very fun, my favorite is red magic.
but I wish there was white magic, to use against Embermist ha,ha,ha
Excellent game +5 =D