This is awesome
It's a Filthy Frank Role playing parody game
Ever since Joji Banished Filthy Frank he wa spresumed dead however I have acquired enough chromosomes to search the omniverse and found him in a fake omniverse But I alone cannot rescue him
Move with WASD or click
Maybe Donate to my cash app so I can hire an artist my cash tag is $NightShadeStation
I've Nerfed one of the foes
This is awesome
Dude, is there any way I could download this game? It's so good I wanna preserve it for future generations to find. (Edit: I actually beat it. Yes I had that much time to waste. How can I prove it? Let's just say "you got a friend in me")
You can download it here
Its pretty well made
If you ever decide to give chin chin no more then like 100000 hp maybe someone will actually finish it
Understood I will lower his health thanks for the feedback
Okay now this is a master piece