Apparently I'm exactly depressed and German enough to understand this.
"Far from here lies a giant field of rape."
This is my diploma film from 2016, which finally is released online today. It's is a 10 minute film that I made as a pilot for an ultra-sad animated series. Will it ever get made? Well, I don't know. It will certainly take some time... Enjoy this episode for now!
Studio Seufz:
Studio Seufz fb:
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Full Credits:
Direction/Animation/Script: Anselm Pyta
Music: Peter Andersson (Raison D'ĂȘtre)
Sound design: David Hill
Voice actors: Bruno Winzen, Bodo Primus, Wolf Frass
Producer: Stefan Michel
Apparently I'm exactly depressed and German enough to understand this.
Hoping for a second part to happen
Just art. It's magnĂfic, and I can't wait for the next video about "Field os Rape"!
i see this film under 15 seconds. but i never finish it
you could tell me precisely what this story was about and i wouldnt believe you.