Welcome to QWER a game specifically designed for trying to focus in to a relaxing way. QWER is played using just 4 Keys namely the [Q], [W], [E] and [R] keys on your keyboard. However if played on mobile 4 virtual keys will present themselves. The goal of the game is to keep falling squares high by pressing the corresponding keys when colliding with the stationary squares.
The amazing background music was produced by Winter89 go check him out!
As to challenge myself even further I've written all of the code required to run this game in under 700 text characters, so... it even fits in to this commentary below.
↓See it's right down here! ↓
d=document,c=d.createElement("CANVAS"),x=c.getContext("2d"),onload=(t=>d.body.appendChild(c)),f=(t=>x.fillStyle=m[t]),s=(t=>x.font=t+"px Ariel"),m=["#35A","#47C"],v=p=h=b=0,g=!0,u="QWER",l=500,k=40,x.f=x.fillRect,x.t=x.fillText,setInterval(t=>{for(c.width=c.height=l,f(0),x.f(0,0,l,l),f(1),s(150),x.t(h,170,300),i=0;i<b;i++)(p[i]+=v[i]+=.5)>540&&(g=!0),f(1),r=10+50*i,x.f(r,450,k,k),x.f(r,p[i],k,k),f(0),s(30),x.t(u.split("")[i],r+6,480);g&&(f(0),x.f(0,0,l,l),f(1),s(90),x.t(u,30,100),s(k),x.t("Press any button to start",k,400))},20),onkeyup=(t=>{if(i={81:0,87:1,69:2,82:3}[t.which],g)return b=1,h=0,v=[1,1,1,1],p=[1,1,1,1],u="QWER Over",g=!1;p[i]>300?(v[i]=-17,h++,b<4&&h>10*b*b&&b++):g=!0});