This is actually sick. Stop motion is really hard and this looks pretty damn good for how old you were when you made it.
Some old Minecraft stop motion video I made when I was little, hope you think is epice cringe
Why is it here? Dont ask me just found it, and figured i'd upload it. Damn my room was a mess...
Edit: I still have to upload "Minecraft 2-4"
This is actually sick. Stop motion is really hard and this looks pretty damn good for how old you were when you made it.
Awwww cute :3
Thank you! People like this I guess, good to know!
Wow, thanks! I didn’t think something I made when I was young would do so well! Maybe I’ll make more stop-motion animations nowadays...
This is awesome.
That's it.
it's awesome.
have a great day.
thx lol
D'aww, kinda cute actually, has that kind of charm that shows it was made by a little kid who enjoyed minecraft.
ye i really did at the time